4336 Williams Street was the home of civil rights activist Malcolm X.
In 1952, Malcolm Little was released from prison and was paroled to 4336 Williams Street in Inkster, MI where his brother Wilfred Little lived. While on parole, Malcolm had a few jobs while residing in Inkster. His first job was at the Wayne Garwood plant, his next job was at the Ford Wayne Stamping plant and his last job was at 26430 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI which was Kut-rite furniture store. While practicing Islam with his brother Wilfred, Malcolm was able to open mosque Temple number 1 in Detroit.
This home is 1 of 2 homes that Malcolm X lived in that is still standing.
The reason why we decided to fix the house is because the house is a part of American history, black history and Inkster history. Our goal is to fix the home and make it into a museum for people to come visit, and to also use it as a learning center to help the youth with education work.
The house that Malcolm X lived in as a young man, identified as 4336 Williams Street in Inkster, Mi. has been recognized as a historic place. Therefore, eligible for a listing in the National Register of Historic Places under National Register Criterion A under the theme of Ethnic Heritage: Black and possibly under the theme of Social History. More info can be read here.